Sunday, February 5, 2012

Response: Understanding my Data, Myself


The purpose of this paper was to examine ways in which we view data about ourselves. The main result of asking this question was that as we grow individually, so does the data about ourselves and how we view it. In the paper, they describe this as a shift from the Discovery phase (where information is being discovered and there is an overall goal) to the Maintenance phase (where a goal in information seeking has been achieved and it is now a matter of maintaining it). Even with the phases, the paper also showed that our data is dynamic and we can switch in and out of phases constantly. This is shown by the study in which they noticed that different questions about our own data is asked at different times.


The examination of personal data in this paper was interesting, especially when framing it with ubicomp. However, while thinking about data itself, the question as to why would this need to be done becomes obvious to me. In my opinion, the visualization of the data itself becomes as important, if not more important than the phases themselves. Yes, collecting as much data as possible is important, but it is its visualization that can lead to shifts in the phases themselves. I would have liked to see a study ubicomp + visualization and the changes it can cause, perhaps to further support the discussion in this paper.

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